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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Lesson Plan(Capturing the Flags):Cuisenaire Rods

I found this lesson is interesting for fifth to sixth grade. This lesson plan is taken from the CD. Capturing the Flag is interesting because in order to do this activity students need to the rods and their relationship between each other. In addition student need to know the numerical value of each rod. Student also need to know time table in order to calculate the values of rods to cover the flag. Students can easily learn about the fractions by placing the different rods in the flag. Finally student able to learn the strategic thinking because in order to finish the game they need to know how to start, where to start, and how to avoid the ending turn in order to win or loos the game. This lesson could be reversable if first round winner would be the last one who finished covering the flag the next round will be opposite is that the winner would be who didn't have to finish covering the flag.

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