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Monday, March 1, 2010

week-4 Reaction to Private Universe Workshop 4-Thinking Like a Mathematician

The important message about this video is that let kids think, be patient, try to simplipy the problems, and look for a pattern that work to justify the problems. The another important toos is that let kids work in a couple of groups and then sharing their groups thought between the groups and finally try to come out a common solution where every individual is satisfied. The role of the teachers were very crucial. Every individual teacher gave students enough chances for critical thinking and tried to navigate their all thoughts in a common direction instead of being helpful by giving the clue. The Problem solving math is kind of realistic math where kids can feel interest eventhough it seems hard.the whole process in the video for different criteria were very active learning where kids involved themselves, questioned, stressed out to findout the common pattern and justify the findings and continue worked until get aperfect answer.One thing I foundout that pretty differnt then todays most of the classroom activities where kids just follow the procedure given by their teacher to solve a problem in a very limited time . In todays classroom activities do n't really allow kids and teachers enough time and envirinment to use the strategy that used for problem solving mathematics in this video.
Finally I would like to saythe teacher and kids need the oppourtunity and the environment where school will allow both parties to create a huge numbers of active learner where kids would love to think and apply all toughs strategise like a real mathematician.

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